Word Soup’s Fall Semester

in Creative Writing

This class is for writers who love writing, age 11-14. Classes will be held in Fanwood, NJ on Fridays from 11:30-1:30.

Fall Semester runs 11 weeks beginning October 6th, and runs 11 weeks (no class 11/24) ending Dec 22nd. Includes one 3 hour NaNoWriMo (optional) wordsprint workshop on Sunday 11/26


$400 for the fall semester

This is about 16$ per hour of instruction and includes all of my prep hours.

This is payable in full at the time of enrollment.

Scholarship monies may be available based on enrollment. Please inquire if you cannot attend due to financial constraints- we can work out a payment plan or I am open to partial barter or just plain covering some of the tuition (as long as I have enrollment of 8 kids) .

I can be reached via text for scholarship questions.